Calling all Badminton Bucks Masters!
Back by popular demand the Surrey CBA Masters Committee will be running a Masters Teams Tournament on Saturday 27th & Sunday 28th August 2022 (August Bank Holiday weekend) at Wimbledon Racquets & Fitness Club.
Each team’s squad can consist of 8 players (4 men and 4 ladies); all the players must be over 40 years of age. For every match you may use only 6 players (3 men and 3 ladies), and the total age of these 6 players must be a minimum of 310 years. Team members do not have to belong to the same club or even to the same county. Teams will play at least 5 matches during the course of the weekend; each match will consist of 3 mixed doubles, 3 ladies doubles and 3 men’s doubles, playing one game to 21 points.
This is a fun and fast-paced tournament at a lovely venue. It’s open to all Masters players so please get in touch as soon as you can if you are interested in taking part.
Contact Vibeke Hathaway at
Further details, and the entry form, will follow in due course.